Hang Zhou Tronstol technology Co., Ltd.
Hang Zhou Tronstol technology Co., Ltd.
Auto Loader+Tronstol A1 Pick and Place Machine*2 Line1
Auto Loader+Tronstol A1 Pick and Place Machine*2 Line1

Auto Loader+Tronstol A1 Pick and Place Machine*2 Line1

Auto Loader+Tronstol A1 Pick and Place Machine*2 with Automatic Solder Printer PM400 and Auto Unloader and Tronstol Reflow Oven L12 - Economical Mass Production SMT Line.

Auto Loader & Unloader for SMT Assembly Production Line

Auto Loader SL400

Auto Loader SL400


Auto UnLoader XL400

Automatic Solder Printer

Parameters such as, printing height, pressure, sequence and speed; stencil cleaning cycle are all controlled through a user friendly software. It greatly reduces manpower and improves the printing speed of solder paste. This is the best partner for the fully automatic SMT production line.

Specification of Automatic Solder Printer

PCB Min Size

50*50 mm

PCB Size


Automatic Transport Speed Max

1500mm / s

Ajustable Frame Size


Printing Accuracy

±0.023 mm

Cycle Time

Less than 10s (Exclude Printing&Cleaning)

PCB Warpage

Max : PCB Corner Sealing Line 1%

Transport Direction

L to R/ L to L/ R to L/ R to R

Control Method

PC Control                                                                                                                                              

Repeat Position Accuracy

± 0.009 mm

Power supply

AC220V 50HZ


1146(L)*1364(W)*1440(H) mm

Packing size


PCB Transport Overplate Height

35 mm

Gross weight

Approx : 1000kg

Pick and Place Machine Tronstol A1 with 4 Heads+58 Feeders+4 Cameras Made in China

Pick and Place Machine Tronstol A1

You can click Pick And Place Machine Tronstol A1 to learn its specification & features.

Reflow oven L12


You can click Reflow oven L12 to learn its specification & features.

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Other Mass Production SMT Line
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Contact info
4th Floor, Building 5, No. 2, Huayi Road, Yuhang Street, Yuhang District, Hangzhou